There has never been a time when so much information was so freely available to so many people, thanks to the explosion of the internet. Real estate investing success depends on current and accurate information. Listing websites provide an invaluable service to many investors who might be frozen out of the market without them. But what should you know to avoid problems and make the most of Zillow, Trulia, the MLS and other online real estate listing sites? The venerable MLS (Multiple Listing Service) has a tradition going back over 100 years of listings from virtually every large and Read more…
Robert Kiyosaki has written two books I include on my essential reading list. I reviewed “Rich Dad Poor Dad” in an earlier blog post. “The Cashflow Quadrant” is Robert Kiyosaki’s second published book in the “Rich Dad” brand, and it is another thought-provoking read that goes beyond investing advice to changing the way you see yourself, your life, your purpose for living. Is your life about working a job for an employer, in return for a wage or salary? Most people – 95% of the population – are in this situation. They put away what they can to Read more…
Putting your investment money to work generating the highest possible real estate ROI (Return On Investment) is what it’s all about. Are you happy with the ROI on your last three projects? I hope not – we can always look for ways to improve and do better! What’s the best way to improve your ROI and enjoy more money from your real estate investment dollar? Your most important tool, your most valuable resource and asset … is YOU! You can’t always control market factors, partners, buyers, sellers, and all the random events that make real estate projects so interesting Read more…
If you’ve been thinking of jumping in but haven’t quite made the decision, I have 4 factors for you to consider as to the advantages of real estate investing. 1) Tax advantages – Several deductions are available for investors in rental properties that make opportunities even more attractive. Depreciation on the property value. This is not just on the mortgage value, but on the value of the property itself. Interest on the mortgage loan – and also on credit cards used for purchases of goods and services for the property. c. Repair and rehab costs. Travel – Both local Read more…
Are you ready to start your own real estate investing career? Looking for a real estate investing program that can give you a solid beginning? Many choices are available from people who are more than ready to take your money – so how do you know what you will be getting in return? As someone new to the field, what are the top 5 questions you should ask to help you sort the wheat from the chaff? 1) Are they in the market now? Look for someone who has broad real estate experience, who has done the things they Read more…
If you are a little bit old-school and feel cantankerous about being tied to the web, let me give you three great reasons to consider these particular real estate investing tools: 1) save time 2) save cost 3) easy to use. These are designed to be click-and-go tools anyone can use. Signnow – Projects don’t move without signatures, from contracts to work-order authorizations. Signnow allows online legal authorizations without a scrap of paper involved. Signatures are executed by following just a couple of simple “click” steps. The cost is scaleable to the volume you want to do, starting at Read more…
“Analysis-paralysis” is an old term that still applies to many who hesitate – is today exactly, precisely the right time to buy? Is this property so perfect in every respect that I can safely move on it, or should I wait for an even more perfect property? Will I know more tomorrow that could change my decision? Have I been correct in all my calculations, forecasts and research? Is it really, truly the time to buy into real estate investing? In a word: YES! Why do I say that? My 13+ years and 3,000+ properties have taught me Read more…
Powerful networking is essential in any business, but seldom more so than in real estate investing. The best opportunities often come through a tip from someone in the know, rather than classified ads or even the MLS. How can you become an insider in the real estate investing information network? Go where powerfully-connected people go. People in the know in local real estate, who can help you with everything from a business connection to a hot tip on an undiscovered property, tend to congregate at established civic clubs such as the Kiwanis and Junior League, and in public meetings Read more…
Internet innovations have benefitted real estate investors enormously, saving cost, time and streamlining the business. Here are several internet tools that will make your business more effective and efficient. Listing service websites serve a basic industry purpose – to compile all the listings of property currently for sale, as well as provide information on property sale prices, time on the market, canceled listings, recent sold property and more. A major change brought by the internet to real estate investors is broad access to property information that used to be hidden from all but licensed agents and brokers. The Read more…
Learning to invest in yourself is the most important step in your real estate investing journey. I highly recommend all real estate investors read these practical, inspirational books with close attention. These books not only presented techniques that have been invaluable to my real estate investment success, they boosted my self-confidence and helped awaken an inner fire for successful investing in real estate. “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” by Robert Kiyosaki. – This was the first book to give me a push toward real estate investing. The principles in the book are so simple a child could understand them, yet they Read more…
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